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Supported Models

Well-supported LLMs

Fine-tuning is currently available for the following models:

Model NameParametersArchitectureLicenseLoRA AdapterTurbo LoRA Adapter ⚡ (New)Context WindowSupported Fine-Tuning Context Window
solar-1-mini-chat-24061210.7 billionSolarCustom License3276832768
solar-pro-preview-instruct22.1 billionSolarCustom License40964096
mistral-7b7 billionMistralApache 2.03276832768
mistral-7b-instruct7 billionMistralApache 2.03276832768
mistral-7b-instruct-v0-27 billionMistralApache 2.03276832768
mistral-7b-instruct-v0-37 billionMistralApache 2.03276832768
mistral-nemo-12b-240712 billionMistralApache 2.013107232768
mistral-nemo-12b-instruct-240712 billionMistralApache 2.013107232768
zephyr-7b-beta7 billionMistralMIT3276832768
llama-3-1-8b8 billionLlama-3Meta (request for commercial use)6299932768
llama-3-1-8b-instruct8 billionLlama-3Meta (request for commercial use)6299932768
llama-3-8b8 billionLlama-3Meta (request for commercial use)81928192
llama-3-8b-instruct8 billionLlama-3Meta (request for commercial use)81928192
llama-3-70b70 billionLlama-3Meta (request for commercial use)81928192
llama-3-70b-instruct70 billionLlama-3Meta (request for commercial use)81928192
llama-2-7b7 billionLlama-2Meta (request for commercial use)40964096
llama-2-7b-chat7 billionLlama-2Meta (request for commercial use)40964096
llama-2-13b13 billionLlama-2Meta (request for commercial use)40964096
llama-2-13b-chat13 billionLlama-2Meta (request for commercial use)40964096
llama-2-70b70 billionLlama-2Meta (request for commercial use)40964096
llama-2-70b-chat70 billionLlama-2Meta (request for commercial use)40964096
codellama-7b7 billionLlama-2Meta (request for commercial use)40964096
codellama-7b-instruct7 billionLlama-2Meta (request for commercial use)40964096
codellama-13b-instruct13 billionLlama-2Meta (request for commercial use)1638416384
codellama-70b-instruct70 billionLlama-2Meta (request for commercial use)40964096
mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v0-146.7 billionMixtralApache 2.0327687168
phi-22.7 billionPhi-2Microsoft20482048
phi-3-mini-4k-instruct3.8 billionPhi-3Microsoft40964096
phi-3-5-mini-instruct3.8 billionPhi-3Microsoft13107216384
gemma-2b2.5 billionGemmaGoogle81928192
gemma-2b-instruct2.5 billionGemmaGoogle81928192
gemma-7b8.5 billionGemmaGoogle81928192
gemma-7b-instruct8.5 billionGemmaGoogle81928192
gemma-2-9b9.24 billionGemmaGoogle81928192
gemma-2-9b-instruct9.24 billionGemmaGoogle81928192
gemma-2-27b27.2 billionGemmaGoogle81924096
gemma-2-27b-instruct27.2 billionGemmaGoogle81924096
qwen2-1-5b1.54 billionQwenTongyi Qianwen13107232768
qwen2-1-5b-instruct1.54 billionQwenTongyi Qianwen13107232768
qwen2-7b7.62 billionQwenTongyi Qianwen13107232768
qwen2-7b-instruct7.62 billionQwenTongyi Qianwen13107232768
qwen2-72b72.7 billionQwenTongyi Qianwen1310728192
qwen2-72b-instruct72.7 billionQwenTongyi Qianwen1310728192

Many of the latest OSS models are released in two variants:

  • Base model (llama-2-7b, etc): These are models that are primarily trained on the objective of text completion.
  • Instruction-Tuned (llama-2-7b-chat, mistral-7b-instruct, etc): These are models that have been further trained on (instruction, output) pairs in order to better respond to human instruction-styled inputs. The instructions effectively constrains the model’s output to align with the response characteristics or domain knowledge.

Read more about the different types of LoRA adapters here.

Best-Effort LLMs (via HuggingFace)

Best-effort fine-tuning is also offered for any Huggingface LLM meeting the following criteria:

  • Has the "Text Generation" and "Transformer" tags
  • Does not have a "custom_code" tag
  • Are not post-quantized (ex. model containing a quantization method such as "AWQ" in the name)
  • Has text inputs and outputs

"Best-effort" means we will try to support these models but it is not guaranteed.

Fine-tuning a custom LLM

  1. Get the Huggingface ID for your model by clicking the the copy icon on the custom base model's page, ex. "BioMistral/BioMistral-7B".

Huggingface screenshot

  1. Pass the Huggingface ID as the base_model.
# Create an adapter repository
repo = pb.repos.create(name="bio-summarizer", description="Bio News Summarizer", exists_ok=True)

# Start a fine-tuning job, blocks until training is finished
adapter = pb.adapters.create(
description="initial model with defaults"
private serverless deployment needed for inference

Note that if you fine-tune a custom model not on our shared deployments list, you'll need to deploy the custom base model as a private serverless deployment in order to run inference on your newly trained adapter.